Municipal library Dobruška Municipal library Dobruška
Municipal library Dobruška
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History of Municipal library in Dobruška

History of the library

On 4th December 1863 were confirmed codes of rules of the Society meetings in Dobruška by Imperial and Royal vice regency. The society had shown a minimum activity and therefore it had to be renewed again under the name Reading society Mutina. Even this society did not last for long. Only on 12th November 1885 an inaugural meeting of the Reading society was convened. This society had a target to make reading of amusing and useful books to all audiences available. Since this date the library started really working, it had lent books, magazines, it held various lectures and entertainments. At the beginning of 1895 the Reading society had 106 members. In 1899 the library had 353 issues. The books were lent on Sunday after the second mass and on Wednesday from 6 to 7 o'clock.

At the beginning of the 20th century the library had about 1 000 books and in 1909 was the public reading room established. In 1937 the library had already 2 607 books and 172 registered readers, who borrowed 3 737 books in this year. The most read authors were A. Jirásek, J. Š. Baar, K. V. Rais, Fr. Sokol-Tůma and others. There was also a great interest in adventure and legionary literature. The modern history of the library dates back to the 1st January 1952, when the Municipal people's library of F. L. Věk was established. The library has gone through many changes during its past. It kept moving from one place to another. But still it fulfilled its basic function - lending books. In 1978 the municipal library became a departmental. That means, it bought and proceeded a special fund, which was lent to the seventeen surrounding libraries in the various places in the Eagle Mountains. After 1990 it was necessary to move the library, but there was no suitable building for such specific purpose. The library fund kept enlarging and it was necessary to find a place for it. Therefore in October 2001 Town Dobruška started thinking about permanent solution. From the non-functional heat exchanger by adjustments and outbuilding was the complete new building made. It had been projected for this purpose for the first time in the history of this library. The new barrier-free library was open on 1st March 2002.

Na Budíně 850, 518 01 Dobruška, tel. 494 629 585, e-mail: